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BOLD Email Integration

Policy effective date: 09/01/2023

Overview & Features

This custom Google application is created and maintained by Avionté allows the BOLD application to access your Google email account for the purposes of sending and syncing emails with the BOLD application.  Minimal permissions are used in order to maximize the security of your data.

Google Permissions Used

Non-sensitive scopes

1 – https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email
See your primary Google Account email address

2 – openid                       
Associate you with your personal info on Google

Sensitive scopes

3 – https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gmail.send
Send email on your behalf

Restricted scopes

4 – https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gmail.readonly
View your email messages and settings

Contact Information

To contact us directly:
By email: support@avionte.com
By phone: (651) 556-2121

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for AviontéBOLD Google Email Integration Application