4 Strategies for Managing Your Staffing Firm’s Workers’ Compensation

Workers’ compensation is an unavoidable issue for staffing firms. It’s essential to remaining compliant and protecting your business, clients and employees, it can also be confusing and difficult to manage.

Here are a few ideas that can make it simpler.

Make Safety a Priority

The best way to manage workers’ compensation is to avoid claims in the first place by ensuring that every employee is safe on the job. Consider inspecting the work environment to be sure candidates you send to a client site will be safe there. For some job types it could require providing appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE).

Study Laws and Regulations

Requirements can vary depending on where client sites are located. If you operate in more than one region, be sure you understand all regulations that apply. Investigate federal, state and local regulations before selecting your insurance provider. You don’t want to find out the hard way that you don’t have adequate coverage for an on-the-job incident.

Leverage the Power of Numbers

There are many organizations you can join that will allow you to purchase workers’ compensation insurance as part of a group. Larger agencies have more choices when it comes to selecting affordable, thorough coverage. When you join forces with like-minded firms, you will have more choices too.

Don’t Get Bogged Down

The paperwork and other administrative details associated with workers’ compensation take up a lot of time and energy that would better be spent elsewhere (like driving revenue!). Automate wherever you can so you spend less hands-on time managing your staffing firm’s workers’ compensation and you can reach your goals.

About Avionté:

At Avionté, we provide solutions for staffing firms that free them to get more done while keeping costs down. Our comprehensive staffing software delivers integrated software systems that make it easier to drive growth, maximize profitability and streamline your administrative tasks, so you can focus on your serving your customers. To learn more about making your staffing firm stand out to attract both clients and candidates, contact us today.

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