A New Interview Approach

A New Interview Approach

Don’t monopolize the conversation during the interview. Candidates need the opportunity to talk about their qualifications and prove how they are an ideal for the role.


Interviews are about vetting experience, measuring talent, and learning about the candidate as a person. By approaching the interview process as more of a SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats), you will gain actionable insight into each candidate by attaining a solid grasp of their experience, an understanding of their personality, and the information needed in order to know if they have what it takes to succeed.


Below are some ways in which you can tailor your interview style to uncover the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that your candidates may – or may not – possess.


Why you’re looking to fill this position

Need additional people on the team? Looking to backfill someone who left? Why not begin the interview with the very reason why the interviewee is there? By answering the first question yourself – rather than starting off by putting them under the microscope – it may calm their nerves a bit and result in a more effective interview.


Skills needed for this role

Having the candidate tell you why their background is beneficial to the opportunity, they are telling you whether they have the skills you need. When candidates proactively correlate their strengths to the requirements of the role – instead of answering your questions with the answers they think you are looking to hear – you will mitigate the risk of being misled by their background and abilities.


Growth opportunities

If the trajectory for this role is upward and onward, be sure to communicate that. Many people do not want to climb the corporate ladder, and there’s nothing wrong with that. By understanding their professional threshold for growth, you can save yourself disappointment down the line.


Why we should hire you

This answer should go beyond just listing their skillset. If they’re able to articulate how their experience will be beneficial, as well as how they will use their knowledge to advance the company, you have found yourself a great candidate. If they explain how their experience aligns with the role you’re hiring for, chances are their proclamations will come to fruition.


By applying this sort of SWOT methodology to your interview style, you will gain unique insight into your candidates as both employees and people.

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