Client Connection 2015 Attendees: Prepare to Be a Star!
Our Client Connection Forum is just six business days away. We can’t believe how fast time has flown by as we prep for our best Avionte Client Connection yet!
We hope you are already signed up for what will be the best Client Connection Forum event yet, but if you haven’t yet – there is still time. Register here!
At this year’s Client Connection Forum, we’ll be rolling out the red carpet for you! The two-day event will be filled with all kinds of Hollywood-themed fun. Walk our red carpet, pose in front of the step and repeat wall, and more!
One big component of the Forum is the informative breakout sessions that we put together – covering a wide range of topics – and broken out into two session tracks for 1) those just getting started with Avionté and 2) the more experienced Avionté users.
Are you a “Breakout Star”, just getting to know Avionté? Or a “Lifetime Achiever”, already familiar with the ins and outs of the system?
Once you’ve determined that – you’re well on your way to creating your Client Connection schedule so that you can maximize your learning at this year’s Forum event.
Curious what sessions will be available for you to partake in this August? Look no further. Click here for the complete list of Client Connection 2015 breakout session summaries.
Be sure to keep up with us on the Avionte Staffing Software Facebook page.
We want to hear from you! What Client Connection event are you most anticipating this year? Tweet us at #AvionteCCF
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