Streamlined Workflows for Employers, Recruiters, & Talent
With a direct integration into Avionté, recruiters receive immediate notifications within BOLD when employers create jobs using SimpleVMS. Recruiters can notify qualified talent and send interested candidate information to the employer, without ever leaving AviontéBOLD.
Recruiters benefit from a smooth workflow with the employer’s VMS data seamlessly integrated into BOLD. Increase transparency and build stronger strategic relationships.
Integrated systems reduce the need for manual data entry, reducing your firm’s exposure to costly errors.
With SimpleVMS, talent can enter their time with physical, web-based, and telephonic timekeeping solutions at no additional cost to the employer. Automatically generated invoices from approved time and expenses reduces data entry errors.
The One and Only Fully Integrated Staffing Platform
For competitive advantage and long term success

Staffing gets scalable technology, automated end-to-end workflows, and powerful Business Intelligence Tools.

Talent has a convenient, user-friendly mobile app that empowers them at every step of the work experience.
Recruiter and sales team workflows are aligned and seamlessly coordinated from a single source of truth. Ultra-modern ATS provides best-in-class talent search, communications, and video interviewing.
Front-Office data flows downstream to a complete Payroll/Billing Solution designed for staffing. Time & Expense, Custom Invoicing, Year-End Reporting & Tax Filing, and Compliance are core features.
Business Intelligence
The BI tool employs a snowflake data scheme to combine sales, talent, invoicing, and pay data into a single 360 view of the enterprise, with the ability to drill down by recruiter, location, or industry.
A complete pay card solution is fully integrated into the platform to support a wide range of automated pay and expense reimbursement processes to employees.
APIs and Avionté pre-certified third-party software integrations permit customers to create highly customized workflows while preserving a consistent user interface and a single system of record.
With a single click, talent can automatically download and log in to a mobile talent app that allows them to review and apply for positions directly from the convenience of their smart phone.
Candidates can immediately determine next steps, enter pre-screening information through a natural language chatbot, and schedule an interview with a live recruiter—all at their convenience.
The Avionté Pixel chatbot integrates critical workflows between the talent mobile device and the staffing platform, to support all candidate interactions from Apply and Interview, to Onboarding, Scheduling, and Electronic Pay Statements.
Our Workforce Management and scheduling tool allows employers to push work opportunities out to pre-qualified candidates, empowering them to choose the job roles, time slots, and work locations that best fit their personal schedule.
Track Time
Mobile time keeping with geo-fencing is built directly into the mobile app. Talent clocks in as they show up at work.
Workers have direct access to an electronic copy of their pay stub, along with access to all critical year end tax documents.
Relevant job opportunities can be pushed out to talent prior to completion of a work assignment, giving them a convenient opportunity to immediately take on a new work opportunity.

Employer prefers to work with staffing agencies that deploy cutting edge technology to recruit and retain loyal talent. Key benefits include faster time to fill, more reliable talent, and traceability from initial sale to final invoice.