Client Retention and Customer Service Strategies: 7 Tips

It’s no secret that keeping your current customers is much easier and less expensive than trying to find new ones. Every company needs its own set of customer service strategies.

Retaining customers means treating them well. Are you doing all you could do to keep your customers happy and successful? What can set your firm apart is how you address the questions or concerns you hear from your clients.

Helping your customers be successful is all about knowing their unique needs and making sure you’re proving for them as best you can. Check in and be responsive. Customers need to feel like they can count on you to have their best interests in mind. Here are seven other tips to make your current clients and candidates happy so they will stay with you and recommend you to their network.

  1. Be more transparent. Step one in satisfying your customers is being completely transparent in your interactions with them. This means listening, recognizing, and sharing. If there is a problem, let your client describe the problem or situation in their own way. If your team was in the wrong (or, oftentimes, if your team is not), find out what you can do to make it right. If the issue could impact other customers, resolve it for everyone or notify them so they are aware of the problem.
  2. Watch your reputation. Think no one pays attention to online reviews? Think again. Increasingly, consumers rely on review sites and apps when making purchasing decisions. The staffing industry is no different. Take control of your online reputation by building your web presence, leveraging social media, and monitoring online review sites. Establishing your brand recognition is the key first step. From there, keep up with your social sites and engage in a timely way with people when they interact with you on social.
  3. Reverse Negativity. The worst thing that could happen it to lose a customer by not knowing they’re upset with your company. Don’t be afraid of hearing critiques; create a space for them and make a point to address them openly and personally. A phone call goes a long way. A letter could go even further. And while it could take more than a couple of letters to turn boo-ers to boosters, it’s worth the effort.
  4. Fire bad clients. The more clients you have, the better, right? Sometimes the wrong clients can do your firm more harm than good. If it appears you could be better off without their negativity or lack of satisfaction, despite your efforts, sometimes relationships aren’t profitable enough and some business practices present insurmountable challenges. Analyze your data, speak to your team, and determine if there are any clients you should weed out who are presenting your firm with challenges and who may be more trouble than they are worth.
  5. Retain good customers. Did you know that acquiring new clients can cost five times as much as retaining your existing ones? Make a point to retain your good customers by going above and beyond in customer service. The most important thing to note is to not get complacent. Just because your clients are not actively complaining does not mean they are 100 percent satisfied with your services. Take that extra step to identify and correct problems before they occur.
  6. Build loyalty. Once you understand what kind of clients you work best with and which relationships you should focus on, build some loyalty. Keep your customers informed on what’s to come and let them get involved in the plans, if they seem intrigued. Deliver on your promises and follow through on your commitments. Keep making improvements while maintaining your core competencies.
  7. Stay communicative. One of the best ways to win and keep clients is through a commitment to regular communication. Many staffing firms drop the ball somewhere along the line. Maintaining an open dialog is a great way to set yourself apart. Follow communication best practices when engaging with your prospects, candidates and clients to position your firm for the best success.

About Avionté:

At Avionté, we provide solutions for staffing firms that help you to operate more effectively and keep your operational costs down. Our comprehensive staffing software delivers integrated software systems that make it easier to drive growth, maximize profitability and streamline your administrative tasks, so that you can focus on your serving your customers. To learn more about the many benefits of Avionté staffing software, contact us today.


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