Avionté RAW: Real Analytics Weekly – Week 23
Yup – huge week for staffing! Now, about half of that is a bounce back from the short Memorial week, but even if we compare week 21 to week 23, we see a 7.5% increase in hours.
While there have been stronger weeks, the consistency is still remarkable. The highlight was a 2.8% increase in Temp Billing. In the chart below, instead of using a 4 week average, which would compare against the short July 4th week, I looked at a 5-week average.
Notice the consistency the last month has shown.
I was hoping to see a more sizable increase in assignments this week, reflecting the labor pool moving back to work after the unemployment enhancement ran out. I am not anticipating that sharp influx this week (the primary first week “back”) with the Executive action extending the enhancement. With most schools electing to not be fully in person, I believe that will damper any major spikes in employment.
With that said – I’ll take 20 months in a row of 7.5% month over month increase in assignments along with the 9.5% increase in billing!
Also – note that Temp Billing is all the way back to positive YTD!
We are also tracking our distinct users as a proxy to see what staffing companies are thinking from an internal staff point of view. Week 31 did show a positive gain, but clearly staffing companies are reticent – and understandably so – to hire staff back. I expect that trend to continue with a generally positive week over week engagement, but at a slower pace than the overall Industry.
The state is where the work was performed (customer worksite) and we’ve only included states where we have substantial hours (> 10,000), to help display trending.
For those new to the Avionté RAW series, the numbers reflected are based on an aggregation of hosted Avionté data from hundreds of customers across the US and Canada.
Written by, John Long, Avionté, Founder & Co-Chairman, and Natalie Flint
About Avionté
Avionté is a leader in enterprise staffing and recruiting software solutions, offering innovative end-to-end staffing solutions to over 900 customers and 25,000 users throughout the U.S. and Canada. Avionté delivers a robust platform for clerical, light industrial, IT, and professional staffing firms to maximize profits and boost productivity.
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